Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Former NBA player comes out

Watch this video and answer the questions that follow in your notepads (feel free to post a comment):

1. What "first" has Amaechi achieved in the sports world?
2. What type of product is he endorsing? (What is an "endorsement," by the way?)
3. Why does Amaechi think HeadBlade thought of him to pitch their product?
4. What did former NBA star Hardaway have to say about having a gay teammmate?
5. What adjective does Amaechi use to describe Hardaway's words?
6. Was Amaechi openly gay while he was playing? Why or why not?
7. Have any active NBA players commented on Amaechi's "coming out?"
8. Why does Amaechi consider Anne Coulter's comments more dangerous than Hardaway's (what adjective does he use to describe her).
9. What advice does Amaechi have for public figures when giving opinions?
10. Who does Amaechi feel responsible for?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My blackberry's not working!

Watch this video and complete the gaps in the dialogue below:

Customer: I bought something from you last week, and I’m very _____________________.

Shopkeeper: Oh yeah? What’s the problem?

C: Yeah, well, my blackberry is not working.

S: What’s the matter? Did it ____________________ juice?

C: No no, it’s completely __________________!

S: Oh yeah, I can see that! I tell you what, let’s ______ on Orange.

C: It’s got a few black ____________.

S: Yeah yeah, sorry about that.

C: Where-is-umm, can you ____ my blackberry working?

S: Well, it could be an application ___________. Where do you __________ that blackberry?

C: Well, it’s on my ______________.

S: Well, you could try using a mouse - to _______ the blackberry - into the trash. And after you’ve done that, you might want to ____________ the Blackberry from the desktop

C: Well, I’ve already tried that a few times. And all it did was _______________________ up windows.

S: It might ____________________ waiting a couple of weeks: they’ve got the latest blackberries coming in then.

C: Could you give me a date?

S: Certainly.

C: Let me put that date in my diary.

S: Anything else I can help you ___________?

C: Yes, yes. I’ve also got a problem, to be honest, with my apple.

S: Oooh, dear oh dear. That is an old apple, isn’t it? When did you buy that?

C: Last week.

S: Last week? They’ve ___________ two new apples since then!
What’s the problem with it?

C: Well, I tried to put my ___________ in it. But it won’t _____.

S: Oh yeah?! And how big’s your _______________?

C: I don’t know much about these things, but my wife’s seen a few ______ in her time, and she says it’s a little bit on the small side.

S: Well I'm afraid there’s not a lot I can do about that. Tell you what, let me try ____________ it. Oh, it’s crashed. Anything else I can help you with?

C: Well, funnily enough, yes. It’s my grandson’s birthday soon, you see, and he’s already got an apple, and a blackberry; _________, have you got anything else that he might just like?

S: Ooh they’re doing a special offer on these. __________, I can’t make __________________ of them. The kids seem to like them: Eggs Box. Three sixty.

Bono interviews Clooney

Listen to U2 singer interview superstar George Clooney and answer the questions below:

1. What is the mistaken idea, according to Bono, that people have of celebrities?
2. What does Bono admire about George Clooney?
3. What other famous person does Clooney refer to in his family? Did she remain successful?
4. What helped Clooney handle the pressure of fame?
5. According to Clooney, what can famous people not do anymore, and why not?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Giant tunnel connects NYC and London

Before you watch this video answer this question:
Do you think there might actually be a giant tunnel connecting London and NYC? Or do you have to be really gullible to believe a thing like that? I dare you to post a comment before watching the video! Who's willing to go out on a limb?
OK, now watch the short video and answer the questions below (get those notepads out!):

1. So, is it a real tunnel or not?
2. Whose idea was it? What was the inspiration for the idea? (What synonym for "idea" does the reporter use?)
3. Who provided the technology to make the idea possible?
4. What games do people play across the tunnel?
5. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
6. If you could introduce this idea in Madrid, what city would like to connect with?
7. What joke did the people in England play on the people in NYC?
8. What is the name of the news service that presents this report? Have you ever heard of them? Do they sound like native speakers?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Can music induce violent behaviour?

Listen to this brief video and answer the following questions in your notepad. Feel free to post a comment, BTW (you just need to become a follower on the blog and then you can post your comment). I think this is a really interesting topic to discuss.
1. In the video, can you identify at least five things and people that are held responsible for violent behaviour?
2. Why did Marilyn Manson like listening to music as a child?
3. The young man at the end of the video with the blue shirt makes a case for why he believes some Marilyn Manson fans may be induced to violent behaviour. What is his argument? Do you agree?

Transportation of the future?

Listen to this brief discussion with Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist and popularizer of space-age science (heir to Carl Sagan). Answer the questions that follow:

Comprehension questions:
1. What is teleportation?
2. What is the record distance for teleportation?
3. What are scientists actually able to teleport at this stage?
4. What does Dr. Kaku believe we will be able to teleport in the foreseeable future?
5. Why would human beings be so difficult to teleport?
6. Many references are made to Captain Kirk. Who is he?
1. Did you know that scientists were teleporting atoms today? Are you surprised?
2. What applications do you see in teleportation?
3. Would you like to be the first human being to be teleported?